April Showers Bring Meat Comas

Event Date
Event Host
Food / Beverages

Mark - Venison Roast

Matt - Let's Party Cajun Vulture Bites

Ben - Arnold's 2/3lb Bacon Stuffed Burgers

Mike - Snap Your Neck Like a Chicken Fingers

Jim - Philly Cheesesteak Meat Pie

Andrew - Pork Roast Sandwiches

Steve - Roast Beef Sandwiches

Event Highlights

The new website was officially unveiled and received great praise.

The Philly Cheesesteak Meat Pie Jim created was extremely massive and beyond anyone's comprehension.

During the viewing of Conan the Barbarian with Audio Commentary, it was discovered that Arnold unleashes a massive belch shortly after meeting Mako.

In one of the vehicles carpooling to the fest, there were signs that a certain water crossing was closed due to flooding as it turned out, these signs did not lie... THE BRIDGE IS OUT!

Outcome of the before/after weigh in:        
  Before After Weight Gain % Weight Gain
Mark 218.6 221.8 3.2 1.44%
Matt 177.8 184.0 6.2 3.37%
Mike 169.2 173.6 4.4 2.53%
Jim 200.0 206.8 6.8 3.35%
Andrew 236.0 239.8 3.8 1.58%
Steve 191.4 196.2 4.8 2.45%
Ben 207.0 213.8 6.8 3.18%
John - - -